
Every Clojure Developer's nightmare: An opinionated Clojure web framework.

Get Started


Enjure requires the base Clojure install with the command line tools.


$ git clone https://github.com/janetacarr/enjure.git && cd enjure
$ clj -T:build install-cli

Note: You'll possibly be prompted for a password as the enjure CLI requires root permissions to install. (Supports Linux / Mac OS only right now)

Creating a Project

$ cd ~
$ enjure new hello-enjure && cd hello-enjure
$ enjure serve

CLI Commands

Design Philosophy

Enjure revolves around a few core concepts:


Enjure follows a modified Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, tailored for Clojure development:

Key architectural features:

Enjure aims to provide a structured yet flexible framework for Clojure web development, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than setting up boilerplate code.


Enjure follows the typical MVC architecture:

$ cd hello-enjure && tree .
├── deps.edn
├── enjure.edn
└── src
    └── hello_enjure
        ├── controllers
        │   └── signin.clj
        ├── core.clj
        └── pages
            └── index.clj

(Model is missing because it hasn't been implemented yet)

Known Issues

Unknown Issues

Probably plenty, just haven't found them yet.